Keep up to date with our upcoming auctions & events!





5049 Herbert Hoover Hwy NE
I-80 Exit 249
Iowa City, IA 52240


December 17th-March 3rd WINTER OFFICE HOURS
Effective Tuesday, December 17, 2024

To View Auction Items:  Tuesdays thru Fridays, 9 AM to 1 PM and Saturdays, 9 am to 12 NOON.

Friday Auction Online Pick up Day:  Saturdays, 9 am to 12 NOON (For Friday auctions, the pick up day is always the following Saturday.  We provide security for the items Saturday and anything left after Saturday is forfeited.)

Sunday Auction Online Auction Pick Up Day:  Mondays, 9 AM – 5 PM
(For Sunday auctions, the pick up day is always the following Monday.   We provide security for your items Monday.  Anything left after Monday is forfeited.)

To Consign Auction Items:  Wednesdays – Fridays, 9 AM – 1 PM, Saturdays 9 AM – 12 NOON